Haskell has a takeWhile
Prelude> takeWhile odd [1,3,5,7,8,9]
It “takes” elements from a list as long as applying the predicate function results in True
. At the point it becomes False
, it stops.
How can we implement it?
Here is a Haskell recursive approach I came up with:
takewhile _ [] = []
takewhile f (x:xs) | f x == True = x : takewhile f xs
| otherwise = []
It keeps on calling itself as long as predicate f x
is True
, otherwise it returns an empty list without calling itself.
I could come up with the following implementation for JavaScript. It is a bit verbose and invokes defining another function to pass the intermediate result around:
function takeWhile(f, xs) {
return take(f, xs, [])
function take(f, xs, arr) {
if(!xs || xs.length === 0) {
return arr
x = xs.shift()
if(f(x)) {
return take(f, xs, arr)
} else {
return arr
return x % 2 !== 0
Are there better ideas for implementing it in JavaScript?
If you want your takeWhile
to perform like in HS, i.e. lazily, you need generators in JS:
function* takeWhile(fn, xs) {
for (let x of xs)
if (fn(x))
yield x;
function* naturalNumbers() {
let n = 0;
while (true)
yield n++;
result = takeWhile(x => x < 10, naturalNumbers())
A straight port of the HS code is also possible, but it only works with materialized arrays (that is, eagerly):
// would be nice, but JS sucks ;(
// let takeWhile = (f, [x, ...xs]) => f(x) ? [x, ...takeWhile(f, xs)] : [];
let takeWhile = (f, xs) => xs.length ? takeWhileNotEmpty(f, xs) : [];
let takeWhileNotEmpty = (f, [x, ...xs]) => f(x) ? [x, ...takeWhile(f, xs)] : [];
let odd = x => x % 2
a = [1,3,5,7,8,9]
r = takeWhile(odd, a)
Actually, as @naomik shows here there's a better way to deal with empty lists:
let nil = {};
let takeWhile = (f, [x = nil, ...xs]) => (x === nil || !f(x))
? [] : [x, ...takeWhile(f, xs)];
console.log(takeWhile(x => x % 2, [1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9]));
Finally, your initial attempt does have a point, because, unlike the above, it's tail-recursive, which is a Good Thing. It can be written more concisely as
let takeWhile = (f, xs) => take1(f, xs, []);
let take1 = (f, xs, acc) => xs.length ? take2(f, xs, acc) : acc;
let take2 = (f, [x, ...xs], acc) => f(x) ? take1(f, xs, acc.concat(x)) : acc;
A combination of both approaches (that is, a recursive generator) left as an exercise...