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glutMainLoop() vs glutTimerFunc()?

I know that glutMainLoop() is used to call display over and over again, maintaining a constant frame rate. At the same time, if I also have glutTimerFunc(), which calls glutPostRedisplay() at the end, so it can maintain a different framerate.

When they are working together, what really happens ? Does the timer function add on to the framerate of main loop and make it faster ? Or does it change the default refresh rate of main loop ? How do they work in conjunction ?


  • I know that glutMainLoop() is used to call display over and over again, maintaining a constant frame rate.

    Nope! That's not what glutMainLoop does. The purpose of glutMainLoop is to pull operating system events, check if timers elapsed, see if windows have to be redrawn and then call into the respective callback functions registered by the user. This happens in a loop and usually this loop is started from the main entry point of the program, hence the name "main - loop".

    When they are working together, what really happens ? Does the timer function add on to the framerate of main loop and make it faster ? Or does it change the default refresh rate of main loop ? How do they work in conjunction?

    As already told, dispatching timers is part of the responsibility of glutMainLoop, so you can't have GLUT timers without that. More importantly if there happened no events and no re-display was posted and if there's not idle function registerd, glutMainLoop will "block" the program until some interesting happens (i.e. no CPU cycles are being consumed).

    Essentially it goes like

    void glutMainLoop(void)
            /* ... */
            foreach(t in timers){
                if( t.elapsed() ){
            /* ... */
            if( display.posted ){
                 display.posted = false;

    At the same time, if I also have glutTimerFunc(), which calls glutPostRedisplay() at the end, so it can maintain a different framerate.

    The timers provided by GLUT make no guarantees about their precision and jitter. Hence they're not particularly well suited for framerate limiting.

    Normally the framerate is limited by v-sync (or it should be), but blocking on v-sync means you can not use that time to do something usefull, because the process is blockd. A better approach is to register an idle function, in which you poll a high resolution timer (on POSIX compliant systems clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, …), on Windows QueryPerformanceCounter) and perform a glutPostRedisplay after one display refresh interval minus the time required for rendering the frame elapsed.

    Of course it's hard to predict how long rendering is going to take exactly, so the usual approach is to collect sliding window average and deviation and adjust with that. Also you want to align that timer with v-sync.

    This is of course a solved problem (at least in electrical engineering) which can be addressed by a Phase Locked Loop. Essentially you have a "phase comparator" (i.e. something that compares if your timer runs slower or faster than something you want synchronize to), a "charge pump" (a variable you add to or subtract from the delta from the phase comparator), a "loop filter" (sliding window average) and an "oscillator" (a timer) controlled by the loop filtered value in the charge pump.

    So you poll the status of the v-sync (not possible with GLUT functions, and not even possible with core OpenGL or even some of the swap control extensions – you'll have to use OS specific functions for that) and compare if your timers lag beind or run fast compared to that. You add that delta to the "charge pump", filter it and feed the result back into the timer. The nice thing about this approach is, that this will automatically adjust to and filter the time spent for rendering frames as well.