I currently have 4 websites running off my home desktop PC using XAMPP. They are running on ports 80, 81, 7733, and 25293.
The first three run fine when accessed from an external network, however the last (25293) won't load. (This site can't be reached. ERR_CONNECTION_FAILED)
I am port forwarding all 4 ports the exact same way. Just as soon as I'm not on my local network, the page stops loading.
I attempted to open up the port in my firewall as well however that achieved nothing. What can I do to resolve this?
The error I receive upon visiting the port on an external network:
This might be a common issue because you are using 5 digits port number, you may need port validation.
For example this was known issue for Drupal: https://www.drupal.org/project/link/issues/182916
Are you running Linux, or Windows server?