I'm working on unit tests within my Angular app , i'm using TestBed approach ,
I'm testing components , so each spec file looks like this
describe('AppComponent', () => {
// Importing dependecies
beforeEach(async(() => {
imports : [RouterTestingModule , HttpModule , FormsModule ],
declarations: [AppComponent
providers: [AUTH_PROVIDERS ,UserService, SharedclientService, RouteNavigator, JwtHelper, ReloadTokenService, ShopService
, EnvVarsService, ProfileService, LocalStorageService, ApiVersionInterceptor, ApiTrackingInterceptor, MonitoringService ,
{ provide: 'LOCAL_STORAGE_SERVICE_CONFIG', useValue: userConfig } , TokenUtilService , HttpInterceptorService ,
{ provide: InterceptableStoreFactory, useClass: InterceptableStoreFactoryMock },ReloadTokenEventService , InterceptableStoreFactory
// detecting changes every times
beforeEach(() => {
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent);
component = fixture.componentInstance;
// Test case 0 (compilation of the component)
it('AppComponent is well defined', () => {
// Test case 1
it('test', () => {
This approach of testing , is causing the failure of the whole test suite , if the dependencies importing isn't well.
For example : in this test suite , it throws this error :
No provider for InterceptableStoreFactory! It seems to be strange , as i'm importing this service in my providers (last one)
This causes almost the failure of all test cases assince the verification of the fixture imports is "beforeEach" test cases
Am looking for better ideas for :
and for
You provide InterceptableStoreFactory twice. Once with a mock replacement, and once the original. Try removing one of them.
It may help you to create a module for all your services and put it in the 'core' folder. (See Angular Style Guide)
This makes it easier to provide all the right services both in test and development/production without repeating yourself so much.