I have done a code to call an array of a value based on each date. My code is below:
$matchs = DiraChatLog::where('status','=','Match')->whereBetween('date_access', [$request->from, $request->to])->get();
$array[] = [];
foreach ($matchs as $key => $match) {
$array[$match->date_access] = $match->status;
Using this I try and dd();
I get output like this:
What I'm trying to do now is to first group the same dates together and also I want to then count the total for that dates. how can I do this?
Not sure what you mean with "date". But if you mean the same day it would be this:
$matchs = DiraChatLog::where('status','=','Match')->whereBetween('date_access', [$request->from, $request->to])->get();
$array[] = [];
foreach ($matchs as $key => $match) {
$day = substr($match->date_access, 0, 10);
$array[$day] = 1;