What I have is: VS 2017 Community, C#, Raspberry 3, IoT-Extension referenced. I want to shutdown the Raspberry from code. What I have found on the web everywhere is this: Edit the AppManifest. Add ...IgnorableNamespaces="uap mp iot"> (- which already was there when I looked into it) Then add:
<iot:Capability Name="systemManagement"/>
But: "iot:Capability" stays undercurled, saying, that it "has invalid child element 'Capabilities' in namespace 'http:... appX/manifest/iot/win10'
I had already 2 other capabilites selected
<Capability Name="internetClient" />
<Capability Name="privateNetworkClientServer" />
Can they interfere? I could not find this error somewhere else on the whole web. Would be great if someone had an explanation for this. Thanks in advance!
To use ShutdownManager to manages the shutdown of devices, you need:
<iot:Capability Name="systemManagement"/>
using Windows.System;
For more detailed information, see ShutdownManager Class.