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How to exclude text from translation using /TranslateArray

We're trying to use the Microsoft Translator API to batch translate text. Each piece of text may contain text we don't want translated (normally social network @handles or hashtags). We've tried to wrap these parts of the text like is shown in the documentation:

<div class="notranslate">This will not be translated.</div>

This works fine when passing text to the /Translate single API. However, when we pass multiple pieces of text to the /TranslateArray API, we can't work out the correct syntax. Any text item which contains the notranslate div is not returned in the response.

Here's the body we're trying to use:

curl -i -X POST \
-H "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key:******" \
-H "Content-Type:text/html" \
-d \
     <AppId />
         <ContentType xmlns="">text/html</ContentType>
      <div xmlns="">With great power comes great <div class="notranslate">#responsibility</div> </div>
      <string xmlns="">Hello World</string>
 </TranslateArrayRequest>' \

Any ideas on the correct format to pull this off?


  • The section as posted doesn't match the schema for the request: the first <div> needs to be a <string> element.

      <div xmlns="">With great power comes great <div class="notranslate">#responsibility</div> </div>
      <string xmlns="">Hello World</string>


      <string xmlns="">With great power comes great <div class="notranslate">#responsibility</div> </string>
      <string xmlns="">Hello World</string>

    If this doesn't work, then it's possible that because the request is XML, you may also need to XML-escape the markup within the string element:

    <string xmlns="">
    With great power comes great &lt;div class="notranslate"&gt;#responsibility&lt;/div&gt;