I am struggling with something...
I created a ListView bound with an adapter, and added a ClickListener to the ListView. When I click on a row, it loads a page (axml) with:
private void InfoTab_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Set view to Info page
Now I want to do something after I set the ContentView to the info page, because I want to fill the TextView fields with values from a List, but how can I start a class manually after the SetContentView, because now when I click... Nothing happens!!!
Please help me, I'm a beginner with Xamarin ;)
I am not sure if I understand your question correctly. But you can populate the contents of a page/layout in the following way:
var textView = FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.yourLayoutIdHere);
textView.Text = "Hello world";
You might want consider to create a new activity in which you display the new page. It will handle navigation via back button and other things automatically for you. you can create a new Activity like so:
var intent = new Intent(this, typeof(NewActivityClass));