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GoldenLayout, how to hide/show component?

I have an application based on GoldenLayout (1.5.9). The layout is a Row containing two Columns. See below the configuration of the column I'm interested in.

let config = {
    content: [
            type: "row",
            content: [
                    type: "column",
                    width: 31,
                    content: [
                            type: "stack",
                            isClosable: false,
                            content: [...]
                            type: "component",
                            height: 30,
                            title: "Filters",
                            componentName: "templateComponent"

Now I want to be able to close or hide the Component and made it reappears pushing a toolbar button (i.e. programmatically). I made various unsuccessful attempts:

  1. If I close the component using the x button, the parent Column magically disappears so a subsequent addChild on the component parent (saved somewhere) adds the component as a child of the Stack. Not what I intended.

  2. If I hide the component.element, the component disappears, but an hole remains. That is, the Stack does not resize.

  3. I don't find anywhere the documented hide() method on the Component, even if I wrap it in a Row, Column or Stack.

  4. If I manually move the separator between the Stack and the Component way down I obtain what I want (that is, to give to the Stack almost all the height) but no combination of setSize(?, ?) seems to do the same programmatically.

Any idea? Thanks!

UPDATE: If I wrap the component into another Stack, the container Column does not disappears so I can add it back:

    type: "stack",
    height: 30,
    id: "filtersFrame",
    isClosable: true,
    content: [
            type: "component",
            title: "Filters",
            componentName: "templateComponent",
            componentState: { template: "filter-template" }

Simply the height is ignored (the new stack is always 50% in height) and the knockout template is there but it is not run through knockout. But this is another problem.


  • I came across this same issue and found an easy solution: Note that I'm using Angular5, so this is in typescript, but the code is easily translatable to vanilla JS.

    I found that if you simply call show/hide, the updateSize doesn't do anything, leaving a large empty hole, so you should set the size to 0/[whatever], too.

    If you set the size to 0 and call updateSize() without calling hide(), the element will become thin strip.

    You must do both for the full effect.

        let smartFormsRow = this._goldenLayout.root.getItemsById("smartformsrow");
        var isHidden = smartFormsRow[0].config.height == 0;
        if (isHidden) {
            smartFormsRow[0]; //jquery hide
            smartFormsRow[0].config.height = 30; //30%
        } else {
            smartFormsRow[0].element.hide(); //jquery show
            smartFormsRow[0].config.height = 0;