I am new to cake build. I want to run Microsoft appcenter command from Cake script. I tried using cake.powershell for it https://cakebuild.net/addins/powershell/
// appcenter.ps1 had just CLI command for Appcenter "appcenter test run uitest --app \"5678999\" --devices \"7738\" --app-path ./iPhone.ipa --test-series \"master\" --locale \"en_US\" --build-dir /iPhone/bin/Debug"
This did not work.
I also tried
from https://cakebuild.net/dsl/process/
Can anyone suggest or provide sample code how can I run CLI commands from cake script? I need to run CLI for Microsoft Appcenter tool.
After going through Gary's suggestions,
I ended up using StartProcess
StartProcess("appcenter", new ProcessSettings{
Arguments = "test run uitest
--app \"MyApp\"
--devices \"45678\"
--app-path /TheApp.ipa
--test-series \"master\"
--locale \"en_US\"
--build-dir /UITest/bin/Debug"