Have prepared a batch script to automate the build process. Was successfully able to figure out the success and failures of build using ant in batch script (%ERRORLEVEL%), accordingly displayed the message box with proper message.
Based on ant success have executed command to startup tomcat server, but how do i come to know in batch script whether it has been started or failed?
Your help is highly appreciated.!!
@echo off
call :is_running svchost.exe
echo %errorlevel%
call :is_running explorer.exe
echo %errorlevel%
call :is_running tomcat.exe
echo %errorlevel%
exit /b
/fi "IMAGENAME eq %~1"^
/fi "STATUS eq running"^
/nh 2>nul | find "%~1" >nul || exit /b 1
exit /b 0
This calls a label named is_running
and runs tasklist
to find the ImageName
running. If not running then errorlevel 1 is set. Added a few processes to test to display if it is working well.
Use the command tasklist /?
for help.