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Accessing field with jq that contains a special character and can be an object or an array

I have a large dump of data in a file.json that looks like:

   "recordList" : {
      "record" : [{
          "Production" : {
              "creator.role" : {
                  "term" : "A"
          "Production" : {}
          "Production" : {
              "creator.role" : {
                  "term" : ""
          "Production" : [
              "creator.role" : {"term" : "B"}
              "creator.role" : {"term" : ""}

I need to check if there is at least one 'term' (that is not empty) for 'creator.role' in a record or not. If there is I give a 1 else a 0 for that field in a CSV-file.

Thanks to the answers on an earlier post, I managed to access a field 'creator' although it could be an object or an array (see: Accessing field with jq that can be string or array).

But now I also have the same problem for the field 'creator.role' with the special character '.' and don't know how to handle that.

The code I tried:

jq -r '.[].recordList.record[].Production | "\(if ((type == "array" and .[0]["creator.role"].term and .[0]["creator.role"].term !="") or (type == "object" and ["creator.role"].term and ["creator.role"].term !="")) then 1 else 0 end),"' file.json

I get this Error:

Cannot index array with string "term"

The output I want to get in this case is:



  • jq solution:

    jq -r '.[].recordList.record[].Production 
           | "\(if ((type == "array" and any(.["creator.role"].term !="")) 
                or (type == "object" and .["creator.role"].term and .["creator.role"].term !=""))
                then 1 else 0 end),"' file.json