I am trying to write a function that takes the following 2 parameters:
So if I was to call formatLines("My name is Gary", 2); ...
The possible outcomes would be:
It would return: array("My name", "is Gary"); because the difference in character counts for each line is as small as possible.
So the part I am ultimately stuck on is creating an array of possible outcomes where the words are in the correct order, split over x lines. Once I have an array of possible outcomes I would be fine working out the best result.
So how would I go about generating all the possible combinations?
It seems like doing this by creating all possible ways of splitting the text and then determining the best one would be unnecessarily inefficient. You can count the characters and divide by the number of lines to find approximately the right number of characters per line.
function lineSplitChars($text, $lines) {
if (str_word_count($text) < $lines) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('lines must be fewer than word count', 1);
$width = strlen($text) / $lines; // initial width calculation
while ($width > 0) {
$result = explode("\n", wordwrap($text, $width)); // generate result
// check for correct number of lines. return if correct, adjust width if not
$n = count($result);
if ($n == $lines) return $result;
if ($n > $lines) {
} else {