I'm probably doing something wrong, so feel free to question all things. I'm using an npm package xrm-mock for a MS CRM mocking framework. I've setup my config as such
meta: {
"dependencyModule": {
deps: [
* List of Spec Files goes here! *
"jasmine": {
"exports": "jasmineRequire"
"jasmine-html": {
deps: ["jasmine"]
"jasmine-boot": {
deps: ["jasmine", "jasmine-html"]
"xrm-mock-generator": {
deps: ["xrm-mock"]
bundlesPath: "../WebResources",
loadBundles: true,
paths: {
"jasmine": "../node_modules/jasmine-core/lib/jasmine-core/jasmine.js",
"jasmine-html": "../node_modules/jasmine-core/lib/jasmine-core/jasmine-html.js",
"jasmine-boot": "../node_modules/jasmine-core/lib/jasmine-core/boot.js",
"sourcemapped-stacktrace": "../node_modules/sourcemapped-stacktrace/dist/sourcemapped-stacktrace.js",
"xrm-mock": "../node_modules/xrm-mock/index.js",
"xrm-mock-generator": "../node_modules/xrm-mock-generator/dist/xrm-mock-generator.js"
map: {},
main: "./testRunner"
but xrm-mock/index.js looks like this:
"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
var formselector_mock_1 = require("./dist/page/formselector/formselector.mock");
exports.FormSelectorMock = formselector_mock_1.FormSelectorMock;
var formitem_mock_1 = require("./dist/page/formitem/formitem.mock");
exports.FormItemMock = formitem_mock_1.FormItemMock;
... 80 more lines...
and I get 404s for each require: "http://localhost:62576/test/dist/page/formselector/formselector.mock.js"
which should be "http://localhost:62576/node_modules/xrm-mock/dist/page/formselector/formselector.mock.js"
I'm guessing I could add each and every module file as a module with a path, but that's 40 some modules I'd have to define. Is there an easier way?
Most devs use the npm plugin nowadays, do you know about it? Removes the need for this manual (and difficult) configuration To answer your question though, I think what you want to do is remove the xrm-mock path and instead have something like
"xrm-mock/*": "../node_modules/xrm-mock/*.js"
and then a map for the main module:
"map": {
"xrm-mock": "xrm-mock/index"