I have JSP code of the form
int count = 1;
request.setAttribute("count", count);
<c:set var="max" scope="request" value="${100}" />
<c:if test="${request.getAttribute('count') < max}" >
That is, the test
compares a variable defined in a scriptlet to a variable defined using <c:set>
. The code fails with an error thrown at the line of the test
condition. I've tried all kinds of variations on this, and I can't find anything online that explains the interaction between scriptlets and JSP EL clearly enough for me to figure out what I should do here.
How do I compare a scriptlet variable to a JSTL variable using JSTL?
Edit The error thrown is
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: An exception occurred processing JSP page
I assume that's as useless as it sounds, but there it is in case it means anything to anyone.
You can directly access the count variable because you already set it in the request scope:
test="${count < max}"
or test="${requestScope.count < max}"