I have a problem where I´m struggling to find a solution or an approach to solve it.
I have some model sentences, e.g.
model_sentences = data.frame("model_id" = c("model_id_1", "model_id_2"), "model_text" = c("Company x had 3000 employees in 2016.",
"Google makes 300 dollar in revenue in 2018."))
and some texts
data = data.frame("id" = c("id1", "id2"), "text" = c("Company y is expected to employ 2000 employees in 2020. This is an increase of 10%. Some stupid sentences.",
"Amazon´s revenue is 400 dollar in 2020. That is twice as much as last year."))
and I would like to extract sentences from those texts which are similar to the model sentences.
Something like this would be my desired solution
result = data.frame("id" = c("id1", "id2"), "model_id" = c("model_id_1", "model_id_2"), "sentence_from_data" = c("Company y is expected to employ 2000 employees in 2020.", "Amazon´s revenue is 400 dollar in 2020."), "score" = c(0.5, 0.4))
Maybe it is possible to find kind of a 'similarity_score'.
I use this function to split texts by sentence:
split_by_sentence <- function (text) {
result <-unlist(strsplit(text, "(?<=[[:alnum:]]{4}[?!.])\\s+", perl=TRUE))
result <- stri_trim_both(result)
result <- result [nchar (result) > 0]
if (length (result) == 0)
result <- ""
return (result)
But I have no idea how to compare each sentence to a model sentence. I'm glad for any suggestions.
Check out this package stringdist
mysent = "This is a sentence"
apply(model_sentences, 1, function(row) {
stringdist(row['model_text'], mysent, method="jaccard")
It will return jaccard distance from mysent to model_text variable. The smaller the value is, the sentences are more similar in terms of given distance measure.