Firstly I'm very new to R so apologies if this is a simple question.
I have a .csv with an edge network of groups, people associated with them and some attributes of both the people and groups
Group Person PersonGame GroupGame
A Jane Doe Snooker Tennis
B John Doe Football Football
A Bill Smith Tennis Tennis
B Francis Underwood Football Football
A Francis Underwood Football Tennis
I've drawn a bipartite network:
df <- read.csv("file.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",") <-, directed = F)
V($type <- bipartite.mapping($type
Currently I've coloured the Group and Person vertexes differently as follows:
V($color <- ifelse(V($type, "grey", "orange")
what I really want to do though is colour the Person vertexes differently depending on the "Person Game" field, but this doesn't seem to be an attribute that I can access for a Vertex, only an Edge. So this works to colour the edges:
E($color <- ifelse(E($PersonGame=='Snooker',
"red", ifelse(E($PersonGame=='Football', "blue", "orange"))
but it doesn't work if I apply to vertexes instead of edge as I can't get the PersonGame attribute to apply to a vertex.
Can anyone help?
I recommend transferring the games to the nodes. Since some nodes are Groups and others are Persons, I will just call it Game (rather than PersonGame and GroupGame), but I will transfer the PersonGames to the Persons and the GroupGames to the Groups.
PA = unique(cbind(ends(, E([,2], E($PersonGame))
GA = unique(cbind(ends(, E([,1], E($GroupGame))
V($Game = ""
V([PA[,1]]$Game = PA[,2]
V([GA[,1]]$Game = GA[,2]
Now, every node has a Game. We can modify your statement that created an edge color to create a vertex color. I added a line to color the Groups differently
V($color <- ifelse(V($Game=='Snooker',
"red", ifelse(V($Game=='Football', "blue", "orange"))
V([!V($type]$color = "lightgray"
Now we can plot with node colors.
LO = layout_as_bipartite(
plot(, layout=LO)