I'm writing a plugin for Intellij Idea, where the main idea is to get the structure of a Kotlin class as: properties, methods, etc.
In my plugin.xml I added the following line <depends>org.jetbrains.kotlin</depends>
And as a library to access the class KtVisitor
I added to gradle the following library:
Everything is compiling with exception, that when I'm running the code and listen to the action, I'm getting the following error:
java.lang.ClassCastException: org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtFile cannot be cast to com.intellij.psi.PsiFile
Mine class responsible for listening to the action is following:
class ConvertAction: AnAction(), DumbAware {
override fun actionPerformed(event: AnActionEvent?) {
val psiFile = event?.getData(PlatformDataKeys.PSI_FILE)
val s = true
Appreciate any help how to resolve this issue. Thank you.
The ClassCastException
happens because IDEA loads two copies of the Kotlin plugin classes, one from the actual Kotlin plugin and another from the kotlin-compiler.jar
that you're providing. The correct way to add the plugin dependency is to add the following to your build.gradle
intellij {
plugins 'org.jetbrains.kotlin'