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Drill Through/ Drill Linking/ Drill Down using Pentaho Report Designer

I'm using Pentaho Report Designer Version: I have one summary report (1) and one detailed report (2). Let's say I have this scenario:

I have these columns in

  • (1): Employees, Total hours
  • (2): Employees, Day, Total hours per day

I would like to make a link between (1) and (2) so if I click on Total hours for the employee 'John' from (1), it leads me to (2), showing Day and the Total of hours per day only for 'John'. I wonder if it is possible to do that using the DRILLDOWN function, if yes, can you suggest me what to put in the parameters?

Also, is this possible if I publish both reports on the User Console?

Any help will be appreciated.


  • It is possible, using URL:

    -Right click on Total Hours

    -Click on Hyperlink

    -Put the link of the detailed report as Path

    -Choose Employee as parameter value. (I already had a parameter that filters the report based on the name of the employee)

    -Then publish the report in order to make it function in the User Console.