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Error when using Poco Library

I'm trying to setup Poco in visual studio 2017 but I get some errors I hope you can help me with..

The thing is, when I try run some of the sample codes from the library, it works fine, but when I try to implement it to my own project it gives me errors like this

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol __imp__WSAStartup@8 referenced in function "void __cdecl Poco::Net::initializeNetwork(void)" (?initializeNetwork@Net@Poco@@YAXXZ) encryption C:\Users\PATH\encryption\PocoNetmtd.lib(Net.obj) 1

In project properties I have included the include folders from; Net, Foundation, XML and Util. I have set the system path to the bin folder. And in project properties I have also added the lib folder to linker.

Edit 1

Thanks to rafix07 for finding the first error

Adding Ws2_32.lib fixed a lot of the errors with only one left

It worked with the most errors! now I'm left with 1 error Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol _GetAdaptersInfo@8 referenced in function "public: static void __cdecl Poco::EnvironmentImpl::nodeIdImpl(unsigned char (&)[6])" (?nodeIdImpl@EnvironmentImpl@Poco@@SAXAAY05E@Z) VSU_DEB_Simulation C:\Users\PATH\PocoFoundationmtd.lib(Environment.obj) 1


  • Solution to my own question

    Fixed by rafix07!!

    First I missed the linking to Ws2_32.lib which fixed all the errors except 1..

    The only error left was fixed by adding iphlpapi.lib to the linker..