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Delete token from SAPUI5 Multi Input Field with Data Binding

in my SAPUI5 app I am using a Multi Input Field with tokens which are bound to a JSON Model. Newly added entries are saved in the JSON Model. However, when deleting a token by pressing the "x" next to the token text, the token disappears from the multi input field. But when adding a new token the deleted one reappears. How can I ensure that the deleted entry is also deleted from the JSON Model?

This is my current code for adding the token to the model:

                MessageBox.confirm("Do you really want to add Token\"" + args.text + "\"?", {
                    onClose: function(oAction) {
                        if (oAction === MessageBox.Action.OK){
                            var oToken = new Token({key: args.text, text: args.text});
                            var aFields = sap.ui.getCore().getView().getModel("myModel").getProperty("/Tokens");
                            var oNewFields= {
                                Tokens: args.text
                            aFields .push(oNewFields);
                            sap.ui.getCore().getView().getModel("myModel").setProperty("/Tokens", aFields );
                        } else {
                    title: "Add Token"
                  return sap.m.MultiInput.WaitForAsyncValidation;


  • I guess we can use "tokenUpdate" event for this.

    For example, given that I have this MultiInput in my view:

        <MultiInput width="500px" id="multiInput" suggestionItems="{ path: 'dataModel>/data'}" showValueHelp="true" tokenUpdate="onTokenUpdate">
                        <core:Item key="{dataModel>key}" text="{dataModel>value}"/>

    then in my controller I can handle this like :

    onTokenUpdate: function(oEvent) {
            var sType = oEvent.getParameter("type");
            if (sType === "removed") {
                var sKey = oEvent.getParameter("removedTokens")[0].getProperty("key");
                var oModel = this.getView().getModel("dataModel");
                var aData = this.getView().getModel("dataModel").getProperty("/data");
                for (var i = 0, len = aData.length; i < len; i++) {
                    var idx;
                    console.log(sKey + "-" + aData[i].key);
                    if (aData[i].key === sKey) {
                        idx = i;
                aData.splice(idx, 1);
                oModel.setProperty("/data", aData);

    And this is my json:

    "data": [
            "key": "token1",
            "value": "token1"
            "key": "token2",
            "value": "token2"
