I have a list with words that needs to be translated in strings, but not the whole string should be translated, only the words that is in the list.
a example
list_with_words_that_needs_to_translate = ["here", "with one", "a string"]
the strings that should be partly translated;
"here is a string",
"word with one and two",
"and something that doesn't need translate"
and the expected result would be:
"here is a string" -> ["here", "is", "a string"]
"word with one and two" -> ["word", "with one", "and two"]
so I can send the pieces to a func that translate them, returns them and the and Enum.join
to get the new translated string.
The words will be translated to multible langs with gettext so I can't use String.replace
and since the word-strings in the list has spaces in them I can't split on space.
Any pieces of advice?
You may use reduce to apply some function to every found word. Here is the example with String.upcase/1
iex(17)> tr = fn s1 -> list_with_words |> Enum.reduce(s1, fn(x, acc) ->
String.replace(acc, x, String.upcase(x)) end)
iex(18)> tr.("here is a string")
iex(19)> tr.("word with one and two")
"word WITH ONE and two"
iex(20)> tr.("and something that doesn't need translate")
"and something that doesn't need translate"