In, I found ways to do it using preg_replace. Anyone who knows any code that could convert a normal NSString to something RFC 2045 section 6.7?
Thanks in advance!
There's no method on Cocoa to decode a quoted printable string, but you could easily write something yourself, like:
@interface NSString (QuotedPrintableStrings)
+(NSString*)stringWithQuotedPrintableString:(const char *)qpString;
@implementation NSString (QuotedPrintableStrings)
+(NSString*)stringWithQuotedPrintableString:(const char *)qpString
const char *p = qpString;
char *ep, *utf8_string = malloc(strlen(qpString) * sizeof(char));
NSParameterAssert( utf8_string );
ep = utf8_string;
while( *p ) {
switch( *p ) {
case '=':
NSAssert1( *(p + 1) != 0 && *(p + 2) != 0, @"Malformed QP String: %s", qpString);
if( *(p + 1) != '\r' ) {
int i, byte[2];
for( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) {
byte[i] = *(p + i + 1);
if( isdigit(byte[i]) )
byte[i] -= 0x30;
byte[i] -= 0x37;
NSAssert( byte[i] >= 0 && byte[i] < 16, @"bad encoded character");
*(ep++) = (char) (byte[0] << 4) | byte[1];
p += 3;
*(ep++) = *(p++);
return [[[NSString alloc] initWithBytesNoCopy:utf8_string length:strlen(utf8_string) encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding freeWhenDone:YES] autorelease];