Search code examples

angularjs filter('filter') with exclude option

I have an array of json objects like this:

$ = [{ name: "something something", date: 982528 }, 
               { x: 1, y: { sub: 2}, prop1: "some string" }, 
               { a: "b", c: "d", e: "some string" }];

and I'm trying to filter it with:

var filteredData = $filter('filter')($, "some string");

this way in all the properties of the objectes in the array, angular compares with the search string,

in this example it will return the las two objects,

now, what i need is to pass an array of properties like:

var exclude =  ['prop1'];

so the filter will omit to compare those properties in each object, is there an angular filter with this option?


  • Unfortunately, you should create custom excludeFilter:

    angular.module('app', []).controller('ctrl', function($scope){
      $ = [
        { name: "something something", date: 982528 }, 
        { x: 1, y: { sub: 2}, prop1: "some string", prop2: "some string" }, 
        { a: "b", c: "d", e: "some string" }
      $ = 'some';
      $scope.exclude = ['prop1', 'prop2'];
    }).filter('excludeFilter', function(){
      return function(data, search, exclude){
          return data;
        return data.filter(function(x){
          for(var prop in x)
            if(exclude.indexOf(prop) == -1){           
               var value = x[prop];
               if(value.indexOf && value.indexOf(search) != -1)
                  return true;
               if(!value.indexOf && value == search)
                  return true;
          return false;
    <script src="">
    <div ng-app='app' ng-controller='ctrl'>
      search: <input type='text' ng-model='search'/>  
      exclude: <input type='text' ng-model='exclude' ng-list/>    
        <li ng-repeat='x in data | excludeFilter : search : exclude'>{{x | json}}</li>