Search code examples

Group by for XML Path ibn SQL

I am trying to concatenate some values from a column into a single field.

So far I have the below code.

SELECT DISTINCT [customer id]
      ,[customer name]
      ,STUFF( (SELECT ',' + [description] 
                             FROM [Invoicing].[dbo].[CurrentBillMaster] 
                             ORDER BY [description]
                             FOR XML PATH('')),
                            1, 1, '')
  FROM [Invoicing].[dbo].[CurrentBillMaster]
  GROUP BY [customer id], [customer name], [description],[qty],

The code largely works, however I want the concatenated description, just to show descriptions for that unique [customer id]

Any help greatly appreciated


  • You need to correlate subquery:

    SELECT  [customer id]
          ,[customer name]
          ,STUFF( (SELECT ',' + [description] 
                                 FROM [Invoicing].[dbo].[CurrentBillMaster] t
                                 WHERE  t.Customer_id = c.customer_id  -- here
                                 ORDER BY [description]
                                 FOR XML PATH('')),
                                1, 1, '')
      FROM [Invoicing].[dbo].[CurrentBillMaster] c
      GROUP BY [customer id], [customer name], [description],[qty],