How to Connect Adafruit_PCA9685- I2C using Raspberry Pi and Python?
You could be able to individually 16 servo motor run at a time using Raspberry pi and python.I used reconnect_io_func() function which will check is connected with raspberry pi, if not then will continue try to connect until successful connect.Then will be run servo motor value
from __future__ import division
import Adafruit_PCA9685
def reconnect_io_func():
pwm = Adafruit_PCA9685.PCA9685()
return pwm
except Exception as error:
if "Remote I/O error" in (error):
reconnect_io = True
while reconnect_io:
# print("while Error: "+str(error))
pwm = Adafruit_PCA9685.PCA9685()
# print(pwm)
reconnect_io = False
return pwm
except Exception as error:
# print((error))
reconnect_io = True
servo_min = 150 # Min pulse length out of 4096
servo_max = 600 # Max pulse length out of 4096
pwm = reconnect_io_func()
if __name__ == '__main__':
pwm.set_pwm(0, 0, 420)
pwm.set_pwm(1, 0, 420)
pwm.set_pwm(2, 0, 307)
pwm.set_pwm(3, 0, 420)
pwm.set_pwm(4, 0, 307)
pwm.set_pwm(5, 0, 307)
pwm.set_pwm(6, 0, 307)
pwm.set_pwm(7, 0, 307)
pwm.set_pwm(8, 0, 0)
# print (" i am here")