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Disallow egress from Docker containers on Docker for Mac

I want to disable all outgoing connections that are initiated by docker containers to the outside world. I can do this in linux by adding a rule to the FORWARD chain in linux. How do I do this in Docker for Mac?

I found out that Docker for Mac uses an xhyve vm and that’s where docker0 interface lives. What interface in the host does this connect to? I used nettop on Mac and I see that Docker uses my en0 wireless interface. But, I’m not sure if Docker and xhyve are using the same interface.

Edit: Added docker-for-windows tag because they might have similar solutions (Hoping)

Edit 2: Docker for Mac has changed so the accepted solution changed a bit


  • Docker

    $ docker run --net=host --privileged -ti alpine sh
    # apk update && apk add iptables
    # iptables -vnL

    This and the rules could be turned into a Dockerfile and run with a -- restart option. I think on-failure might work to reapply the rules when Docker for Mac starts up.

    Virtual Machine

    To get to the linux VM:

    mac$ brew install screen
    mac$ screen ~/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/tty

    Since the move to linuxkit, this is not your average linux host, everything's a container:

    linuxkit:~# ctr -n services.linuxkit tasks ls
    TASK                    PID     STATUS    
    acpid                   925     RUNNING
    diagnose                967     RUNNING
    host-timesync-daemon    1116    RUNNING
    ntpd                    1248    RUNNING
    vpnkit-forwarder        1350    RUNNING
    docker-ce               1011    RUNNING
    kubelet                 1198    RUNNING
    trim-after-delete       1303    RUNNING
    vsudd                   1398    RUNNING

    Use runc to move into the docker-ce (or docker) namespace

    linuxkit:~# runc --root /run/containerd/runc/default exec -t docker-ce /bin/sh
    docker-ce # iptables -vnL

    Note that rules will disappear after a restart of Docker for Mac. I haven't found the secret sauce for persisting system changes yet.

    Use ctrl-a then d to exit the screen session otherwise you will bork the terminal.


    For the easy but € option, use Little Snitch and block outbound connections on OSX from com.docker.supervisor via vpnkit.