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how to sum the values in a list for a key in string datatype while having hyphen as one of value

I have dictionary by the name of temp

 dict_items([('/history/apollo/', ['6245', '6245', '6245', '6245', '6245', '6245', '6245',
'6245']), ('/shuttle/countdown/', ['3985', '3985', '3985', '3985', '3985', '3985', '3985',
'-', '-', '-', '0', '3985', '4247', '3985', '3985', '3998', '0',
'3985', '3985', '3985', '3985', '4247', '3985', '3985', '398, '3985']), ('/', ['7074', '7074', '7074',
'7074', '7074', '7074', '7074', '7074', '7074', '7074', '70]), ('/images/dual-pad.gif', ['141308', '141308',
'0', '141308', '141308', '141308', '0', '141308', '0', '141308', '141308']),
('/images/NASA-logosmall.gif', ['0', '786', '786', '0', '786', '786', '786', 
'786', '786', '786', '786', '786', '786', '786', '786', '0', 
'786', '786', '786'])])

its basically url and bandwidth acossiated with the particular url I need sum of all the values in the list which are in string for a particular key while ignoring hyphen which is one of the value for a key

desired output:

dict_items([('/history/apollo/', ['4996'], ('/', ['70810']), ('/images/dual-
pad.gif', ['113040']), ('/images/NASA-logosmall.gif', ['12576'])]) 

 #Or total value for a key without string 
 #dict_items([(/history/apollo/, [4996], (/, [70810])(/images/dual-
    pad.gif, [113040]), (/images/NASA-logosmall.gif, [12576])]) 

 my code is 
 sums = {k: sum(i for i in v if isinstance(i, int)) for k, v in temp.items()}

it gives me error TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str' then I tried

   sums = {k: sum(int(i) for i in v) for k, v in [temp.values()]}

then I tried

  print({k:sum(map(int, [v])) for k, v in temp.items()})

didnt work

getting error :

   TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object

will appreciate any help


  • Given

    d = dict([
        ("/history/apollo/", ["6245", "6245", "6245", "6245", "6245", "6245", "6245","6245"]), 
        ("/shuttle/countdown/", ["3985", "3985", "3985", "3985", "3985", "3985", "3985", "-", "-", "-", "0", "3985", "4247", "3985", "3985", "3998", "0", "3985", "3985", "3985", "3985", "4247", "3985", "3985", "398", "3985"]), 
        ("/", ["7074", "7074", "7074", "7074", "7074", "7074", "7074", "7074", "7074", "7074", "70"]),
        ("/images/dual-pad.gif", ["141308", "141308", "0", "141308", "141308", "141308", "0", "141308", "0", "141308", "141308"]),
        ("/images/NASA-logosmall.gif", ["0", "786", "786", "0", "786", "786", "786", "786", "786", "786", "786", "786", "786", "786", "786", "0", "786", "786", "786"])


    {k: sum(int(x) for x in v if x.isdigit()) for k, v in d.items()}


    {'/': 70810,
     '/history/apollo/': 49960,
     '/images/NASA-logosmall.gif': 12576,
     '/images/dual-pad.gif': 1130464,
     '/shuttle/countdown/': 80635}