I have the openresty application that deploys with docker.
My docker file:
FROM openresty/openresty:alpine-fat
ARG APPLICATION_PATH="/srv/www/my-app"
COPY nginx.conf /usr/local/openresty/nginx/conf
I'm running docker with this command:
docker run -v $(CURRENT_DIRECTORY):/srv/www/my-app -v $(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)/conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d --name="$(APP_NAME)" -p $(PORT):80 -d $(CONTAINER_NAME)
This command stored in the Makefile
and variables values like that:
APP_NAME = my-app
override PORT = 8080
ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
So also I have my-app.conf
stored in the conf
directory. This is nginx-configuration file, where I have this line:
content_by_lua_file '/srv/www/my-app/main.lua';
And further I have nginx.conf
, where I have this line:
lua_package_path ";;/srv/www/my-app/?.lua;/srv/www/my-app/application/?.lua";
I don't want duplicate /srv/www/my-app
in the 3 files. How I can avoid this?
IMO, your approach is not consistent.
You copy nginx.conf file, but mount a volume for my-app.conf (is it included into nginx.conf?)
Curiously that $(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)/conf
is mounted twice - as /srv/www/my-app/conf
and as /etc/nginx/conf.d
Below is my approach for OpenResty containers:
Write simple nginx.conf without includes. Copy it into container as you do. The only reason to mount a folder with nginx.conf is ability to reload nginx configuration after changes. Keep in mind - if you would mount a single file reload may not work. https://github.com/docker/for-win/issues/328
Copy all Lua files mentioned in *_by_lua_file directives into /usr/local/openresty/nginx
Copy all Lua files required from files above (if any) into /usr/local/openresty/lualib
Don't use absolute file paths in *_by_lua_file directives, you may specify relative path to /usr/local/openresty/nginx
Don't use lua_package_path directive, defaults should works.
Here is the simple working example https://gist.github.com/altexy/8f8e08fd13cda25ca47418ab4061ce1b