I am trying to multiply each element of an array by an integer (along the first dimension). The tricky thing is that this integer will change for each element.
An example :
test <- array(dim = c(3,5,7))
test[1,,] <- 1
test[2,,] <- 10
test[3,,] <- 100
vec <- c(1,2,3)
The result I want is an array with the same dimension (3,5,7) and along the first dimension :
test[1,,] * vec[1]
test[2,,] * vec[2]
test[3,,] * vec[3]
This means
Result <- array(dim = c(3,5,7))
Result[1,,] <- 1
Result[1,,] <- 20
Result[1,,] <- 300
I think I am quite close with different functions like outer or apply but I think there is an easier way, as I have a lot of data to treat. For now, I found the outer function, and I should select something like the diagonal of the result.
Can someone help ?
might be helpful here
Result <- test * vec[slice.index(test, 1)]