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Creating a Sheet of Comments

Caution, I am a novice.

Objective: To create a "Comments" sheet that includes all comments from the current sheet selected. Here is what my sheet looks like: Source

The way I want the sheet to look is: Preferred outcome

The way the sheet actually appears is: Actual outcome

Essentially, I do not want to use the "Parent Address" for the "Comment In" column but rather the heading above the cell. For example, I do not want $A$2 but actually want it to refer to the heading "Responsible Party". My initial thought was that I could use named ranges but it proved to be out of my capabilities.

I am not a strong coder. Please keep this in mind.

The code is as follows:

Sub ExtractComments()
Dim ExComment As Comment
Dim i As Integer
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim CS As Worksheet
Set CS = ActiveSheet
If ActiveSheet.Comments.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub

For Each ws In Worksheets
  If ws.Name = "Comments" Then i = 1
Next ws

If i = 0 Then
  Set ws = Worksheets.Add(After:=ActiveSheet)
  ws.Name = "Comments"
Else: Set ws = Worksheets("Comments")
End If

For Each ExComment In CS.Comments
  ws.Range("A1").Value = "Comment In"
  ws.Range("B1").Value = "Comment By"
  ws.Range("C1").Value = "Comment"
  With ws.Range("A1:C1")
    .Font.Bold = True
    .Interior.Color = RGB(189, 215, 238)
    .Columns.ColumnWidth = 20
  End With
  If ws.Range("A2") = "" Then
    ws.Range("A2").Value = ExComment.Parent.Address
    ws.Range("B2").Value = Left(ExComment.Text, InStr(1, ExComment.Text, ":") - 1)
    ws.Range("C2").Value = Right(ExComment.Text, Len(ExComment.Text) - InStr(1, ExComment.Text, ":"))
    ws.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0) = ExComment.Parent.Address
    ws.Range("B1").End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0) = Left(ExComment.Text, InStr(1, ExComment.Text, ":") - 1)
    ws.Range("C1").End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0) = Right(ExComment.Text, Len(ExComment.Text) - InStr(1, ExComment.Text, ":"))
  End If
Next ExComment
End Sub

Thank you for your time.


  • It's definitely not bad from a novice :) Try this:

    Else: Set ws = Worksheets("Comments")
    End If
    Dim iRow As Long   ' you have a better control this way directly specifying the target cell
    ' header needs to written only once - out of loop
    ws.Range("A1").Value = "Comment In"
    ws.Range("B1").Value = "Comment By"
    ws.Range("C1").Value = "Comment"
    With ws.Range("A1:C1")
        .Font.Bold = True
        .Interior.Color = RGB(189, 215, 238)
        .Columns.ColumnWidth = 20
    End With
    iRow = 2        ' first empty row 
    For Each ExComment In CS.Comments
        ws.Cells(iRow, 1).Value = CS.Cells(1, ExComment.Parent.Column)  ' value in 1st row of column of comment
        ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value = Left(ExComment.Text, InStr(1, ExComment.Text, ":") - 1)
        ws.Cells(iRow, 3).Value = Right(ExComment.Text, Len(ExComment.Text) - InStr(1, ExComment.Text, ":"))
        iRow = iRow + 1
    Next ExComment
    End Sub