We are facing a problem with fastlane. When checking certificate / profiles, the completion time is getting too (~50 minutes) :
[2018-03-09 16:08:29.52]: Cloning remote git repo...
[2018-03-09 16:57:40.15]: Certificate 'XXXXXXX.cer' is already installed on this machine
We are behind a proxy, but when accessing apple websites, we don't face any slowness issue.
Has anyone faced the same kind of issues ?
Many thanks for your help
It turns out that when installing my certificates through match, the following commande security find-identity -v -p codesigning
prints ~2000+ certificates ! I've tried to remove duplicates from my keychains, still facing the issue :/
If someone comes accross my issue, this was caused by multiple duplicate lines within ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.security.plist
I guess this was caused by a wrong FL_UNLOCK_KEYCHAIN_PATH which was set to login.keychain instead of login.keychain-db