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delete rows by aggregated values

I have a table with detail rows. We want to make transactions for aggregated values from this table. There might be situations, where one row is positive and the another one negative. The aggregate is 0. I want to remove those rows.

Here is my example:

DECLARE @tmp TABLE ( orderid INT
,                    account INT
,                    vatid   INT
,                    amount  DECIMAL(10,2)
,                    vat     DECIMAL(10,2) )

--test values
VALUES ( 10001, 30500, 47, 175.50,  9.20  )
,      ( 10001, 30501, 47, 2010.60, 18.30 )
,      ( 10001, 30501, 47, 147.65,  8.05  )
,      ( 10001, 30502, 47, 321.15,  18.40 )
,      ( 10001, 30502, 47, 13.50,   0.95  )
,      ( 10001, 30510, 40, 15.00,   0.0   )
,      ( 10001, 30510, 40, -15.00,  0.0   )

--all rows

  --aggregate for account 30510 is 0
SELECT tmp.orderid    
,      tmp.account    
,      tmp.vatid      
,      SUM(tmp.amount) [totalamount]
,      SUM(tmp.vat)    [totalvat]
FROM @tmp tmp
GROUP BY tmp.orderid
,        tmp.account
,        tmp.vatid

--delete rows with aggregated values 0
FROM @tmp tmp 
    SELECT ag.orderid
    ,      ag.account
    ,      ag.vatid
    FROM (
        SELECT tmp.orderid    
        ,      tmp.account    
        ,      tmp.vatid      
        ,      SUM(tmp.amount) [totalamount]
        ,      SUM(tmp.vat)    [totalvat]
        FROM @tmp tmp
        GROUP BY tmp.orderid
        ,        tmp.account
        ,        tmp.vatid
        ) ag
    WHERE ISNULL(ag.totalamount,0) = 0
        AND ISNULL(ag.totalvat,0) = 0
    )         tmp2
    ON tmp2.orderid = tmp.orderid
    AND tmp2.account = tmp.account
    AND tmp2.vatid = tmp.vatid

--check rows

My code works and deletes rows with aggregated values of 0.

But it doesn't look very elegant. Is there a better way to achieve the same result?

Greetings Reto


  • Using window function

    delete tt
    from (  select sum(t.vat)    over (partition by t.orderid, t.account, t.vatid) as sumVat
                 , sum(t.amount) over (partition by t.orderid, t.account, t.vatid) as sumAmt
              from @tmp t 
         ) tt 
    where isnull(tt.sumAmt, 0) = 0 
      and isnull(tt.sumVat, 0) = 0