I have caught up in a situation, where in i need to verify the response of the Previous Sampler for one of the value and if the Value for that is [], then i need to trigger the below request or else then switch to another Sampler.
Check Response of Sampler for One of the attribute
IF(attribute value==[])
Execute the Sampler under IF Conditions.
New Sampler
Sample Response: {"id":8,"merchant_id":"39","title":"Shirts-XtraLarge","subtitle":null,"price":110,"description":null,"images":"image_thumbs":[[]],"options":[],"options_available":[],"custom_options":[]}
I need to check if the attribute custom_options is empty or not! If Empty do some actions and if not empty do some other action !
Need if condition to simulate this!
Help is useful!
Go for Switch Controller
Put the following code into "Script" area:
def size = com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath.read(prev.getResponseDataAsString(), '$..custom_options')[0].size()
if (size == 0) {
vars.put('size', 'empty')
} else {
vars.put('size', 'notempty')
Add Switch Controller to your Test Plan and use ${size}
as "Switch Value"
name to it. Put request(s) related to empty "custom_options" under that empty
Simple ControllerAdd another Simple Controller as a child of the Switch Controller and give notempty
name to it. Put request(s) related to not empty "custom_options" under that notempty
Simple Controller.
More information: Selection Statements in JMeter Made Easy