I'm still pretty new to Powerbuilder and programming. I'm getting two syntax errors when trying to save this code and I can't figure it out. The first error shows up as the first thing in the code "//*****" and the second error is at the "END CHOOSE". Any assistance would be much appreciated.
// Event: ue_run_script
// Description: First part of two-part script which will allow External Delivery Orders created with the External SF 252, SF 1442, SF 33 or SF 26 forms to be closed out.
// The first part of the script creates a temp table to insert the documents with only obj_type of '52D', '42D', '26D', '33D'.
// and then updates those obj_types to 'DEL' or 'B5M' accordingly. Then updates dsk_obj & proc_object with the new obj_type so that they can be closed out
// Second part is ue_run_script2, which restores the original obj_types and drops the temp table.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: 1
// Programmer Date Comments
// ----------- ----- ---------
// N.Liappis 1/15/18 Initial Development 080117-0057-LN
string s_doc_nmbr, s_doc_type, s_doc_lst_nmbr, s_drop
long l_proc_obj_id, l_rtn, l_table_exists, l_TMP_count
long l_origin_obj_id, l_err
int m_rtn
select obj_id, origin_obj_id
into :l_proc_obj_id, :l_origin_obj_id
from proc_object
where proc_object.obj_id = :gx_l_doc_obj_id
using SQLCA;
SELECT obj_usr_num, obj_type
INTO :s_doc_nmbr, :s_doc_type
FROM dsk_obj
Where obj_id = :gx_l_doc_obj_id
using SQLCA;
IF s_doc_type = '52D' or s_doc_type = '42D' or s_doc_type = '26D' or s_doc_type = '33D' THEN
//Check for presence of the doc_list table
select count(*)
into :l_table_exists
from dbo.sysobjects
where dbo.sysobjects.type = "U"
and name = "doc_list"
using sqlca;
CHOOSE CASE l_table_exists
//doc_list doesn't exist, so we can create it.
l_rtn = This.Event ue_create_temp_table()
IF l_rtn = -1 THEN
gx_stop_run = "No"
INSERT INTO doc_list(obj_id, obj_usr_num, orig_obj_type)
VALUES (:l_proc_obj_id, :s_doc_nmbr, :s_doc_type)
//Confirms that the table successfully got populated.
select count (*)
into :l_TMP_count
from dbo.doc_list
using sqlca;
IF l_TMP_count = 0 then
messagebox (gx_s_app_name, "The temp table was not populated correctly. Please contact SPS Help Desk for assistance", StopSign!)
gx_stop_run = "No"
return -1
update doc_list
set new_obj_type = 'DEL'
where orig_obj_type like '__D'
using sqlca;
update doc_list
set new_obj_type = 'B5M'
where orig_obj_type like '__M'
or orig_obj_type like '__N'
using sqlca;
update dsk_obj
set d.obj_type = dl.orig_obj_type
from dsk_obj d, doc_list dl
where d.obj_id = dl.obj_id
using sqlca;
update proc_object
set p.obj_type = dl.orig_obj_type
from proc_object p, doc_list dl
where p.obj_id = dl.obj_id
using sqlca;
Return 1
end if
End IF
SELECT obj_usr_num
INTO :s_doc_lst_nmbr
FROM doc_list
using SQLCA;
//temp table exist. Further investigation should be had.
m_rtn = Messagebox(gx_s_app_name, s_doc_lst_nmbr + " was previously updated to allow closeout. Please confirm document has been closed " +&
"Once Confirmed, Please click OK to remove document from Temp Table", Information!, OKCancel!, 1)
IF m_rtn = 1 THEN
update dsk_obj
set d.obj_type = dl.new_obj_type
from dsk_obj d, doc_list dl
where d.obj_id = dl.obj_id
using sqlca;
update proc_object
set p.obj_type = dl.new_obj_type
from proc_object p, doc_list dl
where p.obj_id = dl.obj_id
using sqlca;
//drop doc_list
s_drop = "drop table dbo.doc_list"
l_err = SQLCA.uf_sqlerrcheck("w_pdutl107_main", "ue_run_script", FALSE)
IF l_err < 0 THEN
MessageBox("SQL Error", string(l_err))
end if
//doc_list doesn't exist, so we can create it.
l_rtn = This.Event ue_create_temp_table()
IF l_rtn = -1 THEN
gx_stop_run = "No"
INSERT INTO doc_list(obj_id, obj_usr_num, orig_obj_type)
VALUES (:l_proc_obj_id, :s_doc_nmbr, :s_doc_type)
//Confirms that the table successfully got populated.
select count (*)
into :l_TMP_count
from dbo.doc_list
using sqlca;
IF l_TMP_count = 0 then
messagebox (gx_s_app_name, "The temp table was not populated correctly. Please contact SPS Help Desk for assistance", StopSign!)
gx_stop_run = "No"
return -1
update doc_list
set new_obj_type = 'DEL'
where orig_obj_type like '__D'
using sqlca;
update doc_list
set new_obj_type = 'B5M'
where orig_obj_type like '__M'
or orig_obj_type like '__N'
using sqlca;
update dsk_obj
set d.obj_type = dl.orig_obj_type
from dsk_obj d, doc_list dl
where d.obj_id = dl.obj_id
using sqlca;
update proc_object
set p.obj_type = dl.orig_obj_type
from proc_object p, doc_list dl
where p.obj_id = dl.obj_id
using sqlca;
Return 1
end if
End IF
//This.EVENT ue_revert_back()
//gx_stop_run = "No"
//Return -1
MessageBox(gx_s_app_name, "This Document is not eligible for closeout conversion by this script, Please report this message to the SPS Help Desk.", Stopsign!, OK!)
gx_stop_run = "No"
Return -1
Replace this:
MessageBox("SQL Error", string(l_err))
end if
//doc_list doesn't exist, so we can create it.
l_rtn = This.Event ue_create_temp_table()
IF l_rtn = -1 THEN
gx_stop_run = "No"
For this:
MessageBox("SQL Error", string(l_err))
end if
//doc_list doesn't exist, so we can create it.
l_rtn = This.Event ue_create_temp_table()
IF l_rtn = -1 THEN
gx_stop_run = "No"
End If // << This is what's new