I want a regular expression which will match one or more instances of text followed by a newline. Following the final match of text followed by a newline I would like for a single further newline, then no more. How would I go about achieving this?
I am having difficulty in enforcing the one new line rule.
My (wrong) attempts include:
An example of text i would like to match is:
"Hello text\nMore text\nLast one\n\n"
With a non-match on both:
"Hello text\nMore text\nLast one\n\n\n"
"Hello text\nMore text\nLast one\n"
PLease help me. thanks
You're asking to match any number of lines of text, followed by only 1 additional newline at the end, simply: ^(.+\n)+\n(?!\n)
will do what you'd like.
Example here: https://regex101.com/r/Hy3buP/1
^ - Assert position at start of string
(.+\n)+ - Match any positive number of lines of text ending in newline
\n - Match the next newline
(?!\n) - Do a negative lookahead to ascertain there are no more newlines.