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How do i use Regular expression in ng-pattern to avoid certain special character?

I have to avoid some some special characters in ng-pattern. I can able to avoid all special characters by using following code


But I have to avoid only these charecters


How to do write ng-pattern


<input type="text" class="txt_box" ng-disabled="filechoosen" name="file_name" ng-pattern="/^[^%;:\x27\x22,<>{}[\]\/]*$/" ng-model="filenameedit" id="filenameedit">
<div style="color:Red"  ng-show="file_name.$error.pattern ">These charecters are not allowed</div>


  • You may use


    Note that ' is turned to \x27 and " to \x22 to be used freely in an attribute value.


    • ^ - start of string
    • [^ - start of the negated character class matching any chars other than...
      • %;:\x27\x22,<>{}[\]\/ - %, ;, :, ', ", <, >, {, }, [, ] and /
    • ]* - zero or more times
    • $ - end of string.

    See the JS demo:

    var app = angular.module("angularApp", [])
    .controller("myConfigGenCtrl", function($scope) {
        $scope.subnet = '';
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html ng-app="angularApp">
      <script src=""></script>
    <body ng-controller="myConfigGenCtrl">
      <div class="ipfield">
       <form  name="frm">
        <label class="plclabel">File Name</label>
        <input type="text" class="txt_box" ng-disabled="filechoosen" name="file_name" ng-pattern="/^[^%;:\x27\x22,<>{}[\]\/]*$/" ng-model="name" id="filenameedit">
        <div style="color:red" ng-show="frm.file_name.$error.pattern">Error: % ; : ' " &lt; &gt; { } [ ] and / are not allowed!</div>