I already have implicit message to be returned to the template but want to add flashing only if it fails to the login test.
Below is the code from my controller:
Action.async { request =>
if(not a valid id or password)
Redirect(routes.Admn.login).flashing("error" -> "Invalid Username or Password")
And this is from my template scala.html:
@(data: Form[MyForm])(implicit message: MessagesRequestHeader)
//user name input text
//user password input password
@flash.get("Invalid Username or Password")
this brings value not found flash error. it still doesnt work after adding @()(implicit flash:Flash). Any one have a good idea to make this code work?
@(data: Form[MyForm])(implicit message: MessagesRequestHeader, flash: Flash)
in my template worked. Initially, thought that I am not allowed to add 2 params(?) in (implicit ~~ )