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CMake imported library rpath

I have an IMPORTED SHARED library for and I'm linking with it via target_link_libraries (the library has IMPORTED_LOCATION set).

But then after installation in ldd output I see smth like:

path/on-dev-machine/to/ => not found

instead of just => path/on-testing-machine/to/

Why is that / how do I fix it? I'm adding lib paths to /etc/

Sample code:


function(add_and_install_lib lib_name location external_dep)
    if(${location} MATCHES ".*\\.so")
        add_library(${lib_name} SHARED IMPORTED) # MODULE treated as shared
        add_library(${lib_name} STATIC IMPORTED)

    set_property(TARGET ${lib_name} PROPERTY IMPORTED_LOCATION ${location})

    add_dependencies(${lib_name} ${external_dep})

set(CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH "${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}") # this doesn't seem to help


  • If anyone cares, it was the IMPORTED_NO_SONAME property (absence of it set to TRUE) of each imported lib that forced the full path to be taken.

    Also CMAKE_SKIP_RPATH and CMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_RPATH are useful in my opinion to make sure you have clean runtime paths (not straightly related to the question but still).