I'm trying to do simulations of exponential random variables using RStan code.
The R code for the simulated exponential random variables looks like this:
A <- rexp(1000, 4)
B <- rexp(1000, lambda2)
C <- rexp(1000, lambda3)
D <- rexp(1000, lambda4)
E <- rexp(1000, lambda5)
F <- rexp(1000, lambda6)
A + B = AB
C + D = CD
As you can see, it is very straightforward for me to simulate exponential random variables in R. Take A <- rexp(1000, 4)
as an example: It generates a random sample of 1000 outcomes, where lambda = 4. I can then do statistical analysis on these simulated values (finding means, etc.).
Now I want to do the same in using RStan. Using RStudio's R notebook feature, one can "insert" different types of code, one of which is Stan:
I have the following Stan and R code:
{stan output.var="exponential"}
generated quantities{
real total;
real number;
number = 0.0;
total = 0.0;
while(total < 1000) {
total += exponential_rng(4);
number += 1.0;
number -= 1.0;
simul2 <- sampling(exponential, algorithm="Fixed_param")
print(simul2, pars=c("number"), digits = 5)
However, when I execute this code (specifically, the print
command), I get the following output:
I don't understand why I am getting such absurd statistics (4000 mean!?). My goal is to be able to get the same statistics as had I done the analysis in R, as I demonstrated above; in other words, my goal is to get the same values as when If I had done A <- rexp(1000, 4)
, in this specific case, and X <- rexp(1000, lambda)
more generally.
Obviously, my Stan code is incorrect, so I would greatly appreciate it people could please take the time to explain the correct way to use it.
That is telling you the posterior distribution of number
, which is just your counter. Your Stan code is doing something different than your R code, but it is not so difficult to do the analogue of your R code if you pass N
and the lambdas as data:
data {
int<lower=1> N;
real<lower=0> lambda2;
real<lower=0> lambda3;
real<lower=0> lambda4;
generated quantities {
real mean_AB;
real mean_CD;
vector[N] A;
vector[N] B;
vector[N] C;
vector[N] D;
for (n in 1:N) {
A[n] = exponential_rng(4);
B[n] = exponential_rng(lambda2);
C[n] = exponential_rng(lambda3);
D[n] = exponential_rng(lambda4);
mean_AB = mean(A + B);
mean_CD = mean(C + D);