I'm reading a book on automata theory, and the book gives an example that a language with equal number of 0s and 1s intersects with 1*0* would result 1n0n, where n > 0
So my question is, how can I find some regular languages that when intersected with 1*0*, would also results in 1n0n. Is there a way to think about that?
update: Thanks for the answers! I guess what I'm trying to find is some regular languages, so the ones like 1n0n wouldn't work ;) Is it possible? Any ideas?
N.B. The language with an equal and unbounded number of 0s and 1s is not a regular language.
As for your question, I don't think there are any more restrictions you can add to some ones followed by some zeros to get n ones followed by n zeros other than the two you have given.
There are an infinite number of trivially-constructed languages that satisfy the conditions: A1nB0nC
where A, B and C are any expressions that can match zero width.