I am fetching the courses from the Firebase database as so:
.subscribe((res) => {
this.coursesFiltered = res.filter((filtered: any) => {
return filtered.courseStatus === 2 || filtered.courseStatus === 3
The function fetchItems()
fetchItems() {
return this.afDB.list('courses', (ref) => ref.orderByChild('courseSemCode'))
.map((arr) => {
return arr.map((snap: any) => {
return snap.status = snap.payload.val();
Then I want to group them by courseSemCode so that it displays properly in the cards
<ion-card *ngFor="let item of coursesFiltered | groupBy:'courseSemCode'">
<h6>{{item.courseSemester + " " + item.courseYear}}</h6>
<button ion-button class="text" class="btnCourse">
The groupBy pipe is a custom pipe that I got from this thread: How to group data in Angular 2?
Which is this:
@Pipe({name: 'groupBy'})
export class GroupByPipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: Array<any>, field: string): Array<any>
if(!value || !value.length) {
return value;
const groupedObj = value.reduce((prev, cur)=> {
if(!prev[cur[field]]) {
prev[cur[field]] = [cur];
} else {
return prev;
}, {});
return Object.keys(groupedObj).map(key => ({ key, value: groupedObj[key] }));
But unfortunately in the end I'm faced with the problem TypeError: Cannot read property 'reduce' of undefined
I believe this has to do with the .subscribe which I've written in the constuctor, which only means that the coursesFiltered still has no data.
How can I make sure it does and solve this issue?
Thank you
In your pipe, you can simply test for it :
transform(value: any, args?: any) {
if(!value || !value.length) { return value; }
return value.reduce(...);
EDIT In your loop you do this
*ngFor="let item of coursesFiltered | groupBy:'courseSemCode'"
But your structure for the grouped array is this
[{key: 'your key', value: [...]}]
This means that you have to make two loops :
<ion-card *ngFor="let group of coursesFiltered | groupBy:'courseSemCode'">
<ng-container *ngFor="let item of group.value">
<h6>{{item.courseSemester + " " + item.courseYear}}</h6>
<button ion-button class="text" class="btnCourse">