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Whenever I try to create an Instance of a specific class the whole app crashes (EXC_BAD_ACCESS)

My code seems to crash due to an infinite loop, but I can't find the error. Could someone help me out and look over the code?

Here is my controller:

override func touchesMoved(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
    for touch in touches{
        let location = touch.location(in: self.view)
        let x = Float(location.x)
        let y = Float(location.y)
        let newTouch = Touch(latitude: x,longitude: y)
        TouchService().addTouch(touch: newTouch, grid: _grid)

And my model:

import Foundation

class Touch {

    var _lat: Float
    var _long: Float
    var _startingPoint: Touch

    init(latitude lat: Float, longitude long: Float){
        self._lat = lat
        self._long = long
        self._startingPoint = Touch(latitude: lat, longitude: long)

I guess there is something wrong with the way I am using the init() function.

Kind regards and thanks in advance, Chris


  • Problem

    Your initializer creates an infinite loop.

    //Touch(latitude: lat, longitude: long) calls the initializer again.
    //Since you are inside the initializer, it creates an infinite loop.  
    self._startingPoint = Touch(latitude: lat, longitude: long)

    Comment that out and you'll see.


    Create a separate class or struct for your values (composition).

    class AngularLocation {
        var _lat: Float
        var _long: Float


    class Touch {
        var destination: AngularLocation
        var startingPoint: AngularLocation

    Tweak that to your needs.