Please guys help out, am using google compute engine for the first time and using bitnami. I have successfully spin up a server, and connected with ssh but am stock here Can anyone help me explain how:
1.- Create and edit the /opt/bitnami/apps/myapp/conf/httpd-prefix.conf file and add the line below to it:
Include "/opt/bitnami/apps/myapp/conf/httpd-app.conf"
2.- Create and edit the /opt/bitnami/apps/myapp/conf/httpd-app.conf file and add the content below to it. This is the main configuration file for your application, so modify it further depending on your application's requirements.
ProxyPass /
ProxyPassReverse /
NOTE: 3000 is the default port for the Express server. If you have customized your application to use a different port, change it here as well.
3.- Once you have created the files and directories above, add the following line to the end of the main Apache configuration file at /opt/bitnami/apache2/conf/bitnami/bitnami-apps-prefix.conf, as shown below:
Include "/opt/bitnami/apps/myapp/conf/httpd-prefix.conf"
According to the Bitnami guide shared by you, you should follow the following steps (I added more detailed information):
1.- Create directories
For that, you should run the following commands:
sudo mkdir -p /opt/bitnami/apps/myapp
sudo mkdir /opt/bitnami/apps/myapp/conf
sudo mkdir /opt/bitnami/apps/myapp/htdocs
2.- Create two files
For that, you can run the following commands:
touch /opt/bitnami/apps/myapp/conf/httpd-prefix.conf
touch /opt/bitnami/apps/myapp/conf/httpd-app.conf
3.- Add content to the first file
You can edit the file using any text editor, for example nano
nano /opt/bitnami/apps/myapp/conf/httpd-prefix.conf
The above command opens the text editor, you should copy/paste or write the following line:
Include "/opt/bitnami/apps/myapp/conf/httpd-app.conf"
Close the editor using Ctrl+X(you will be prompted to save your file if you have not)
4.- Add content to the second file
You can edit the file using any text editor, for example nano
nano /opt/bitnami/apps/myapp/conf/httpd-app.conf
The above command opens the text editor, you should copy/paste or write the following line:
ProxyPass /
ProxyPassReverse /
Close the editor using Ctrl+X(you will be prompted to save your file if you have not)
5.- Edit Apache config file
Once you have created the files and directories above, add the following line to the end of the main Apache configuration file. Open the file (again using nano
nano /opt/bitnami/apache2/conf/bitnami/bitnami-apps-prefix.conf
The above command opens the text editor, you should copy/paste or write the following line:
Include "/opt/bitnami/apps/myapp/conf/httpd-prefix.conf"
Close the editor using Ctrl+X(you will be prompted to save your file if you have not)
6.- Restart apache
For that execute
sudo /opt/bitnami/ restart apache
7.- Start the Express server
cd /opt/bitnami/apps/myapp/htdocs
Alternatively, use the following command to start the server and keep it running even after your server session ends. Replace FILE with the correct filename for your application.
forever start FILE.js