I have a couple of activities and I pass data between them using Intents. I want to pass an array of my custom object from the first activity and make it an arraylist in the second activity. The code that I have is:
data class Attachment(val Name: String, val Content: String)
class ActivityA {
private var attachments: Array<Attachment> = arrayOf()
fun callB() {
intent = Intent(this,ActivityB::class.java).apply {
putExtra("Attachments", attachments)
class ActivityB {
private var attachments: ArrayList<Attachment>?
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
// How do I get the passed array and store in the arraylist here ?
val a: Array<Attachment> = intent.getParcelableArrayExtra("Attachments") as Array<Attachment>
attachments = a // fails with a type mismatch error
attachments = ArrayList(a) // fails again
attachments = intent.get????????("Attachments") // any such option ?
Now my question is, what is the most efficient way to get the attachments
array in ActivityA to the attachments
array-list in the ActivityB ?
The answer is simple.
data class Attachment(val Name: String, val Content: String) : Serializable
// In ActivityB
val a: Array<SecretJSON.Attachment> = intent.getSerializableExtra("Attachments") as Array<Attachment>
attachments = a.toCollection(ArrayList())