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Google App Engine deployment debug "Error Response: [4] Timed out waiting for the app infrastructure to become healthy"

In short: We have web app running at Google App Engine Nodejs runtime, flex environment. Starting 5 days ago all our deployments started to fail with the reason:

ERROR: ( Error Response: [4] Timed out waiting for the app infrastructure to become healthy.

Full error stack trace:

Updating service [default] (this may take several minutes)...\DEBUG: Operation [apps/PROJECT_ID/operations/45d6fec1-9261-41d2-943a-648976b971ed] not complete. Waiting to retry.
Updating service [default] (this may take several minutes)...-DEBUG: Operation [apps/PROJECT_ID/operations/45d6fec1-9261-41d2-943a-648976b971ed] complete. Result: {
    "metadata": {
        "user": "", 
        "target": "apps/PROJECT_ID/services/default/versions/release-0-6-3",
        "@type": "", 
        "insertTime": "2018-02-19T06:08:56.439Z", 
        "method": "google.appengine.v1.Versions.CreateVersion"
    "done": true, 
    "name": "apps/PROJECT_ID/operations/45d6fec1-9261-41d2-943a-648976b971ed", 
    "error": {
        "message": "Timed out waiting for the app infrastructure to become healthy.", 
        "code": 4
Updating service [default] (this may take several minutes)...failed.                                                                    
DEBUG: ( Error Response: [4] Timed out waiting for the app infrastructure to become healthy.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/google-cloud-sdk/lib/googlecloudsdk/calliope/", line 797, in Execute
    resources = calliope_command.Run(cli=self, args=args)
  File "/usr/lib/google-cloud-sdk/lib/googlecloudsdk/calliope/", line 757, in Run
    resources = command_instance.Run(args)
  File "/usr/lib/google-cloud-sdk/lib/surface/app/", line 65, in Run
  File "/usr/lib/google-cloud-sdk/lib/googlecloudsdk/command_lib/app/", line 588, in RunDeploy
  File "/usr/lib/google-cloud-sdk/lib/googlecloudsdk/command_lib/app/", line 394, in Deploy
  File "/usr/lib/google-cloud-sdk/lib/googlecloudsdk/api_lib/app/", line 188, in DeployService
  File "/usr/lib/google-cloud-sdk/lib/googlecloudsdk/api_lib/app/", line 246, in WaitForOperation
  File "/usr/lib/google-cloud-sdk/lib/googlecloudsdk/api_lib/util/", line 266, in WaitFor
  File "/usr/lib/google-cloud-sdk/lib/googlecloudsdk/core/util/", line 222, in RetryOnResult
    if not should_retry(result, state):
  File "/usr/lib/google-cloud-sdk/lib/googlecloudsdk/api_lib/util/", line 260, in _IsNotDone
    return not poller.IsDone(operation)
  File "/usr/lib/google-cloud-sdk/lib/googlecloudsdk/api_lib/app/", line 171, in IsDone
OperationError: Error Response: [4] Timed out waiting for the app infrastructure to become healthy.
ERROR: ( Error Response: [4] Timed out waiting for the app infrastructure to become healthy.

Before that (3 weeks ago) deploys began to be really slow (5-20 minutes).

Info about operation provided by command:

gcloud beta app operations describe OPERATION_ID

gives this:

done: true
  code: 4
  message: Timed out waiting for the app infrastructure to become healthy.
  endTime: '2018-02-19T06:36:02.752Z'
  insertTime: '2018-02-19T06:08:56.439Z'
  method: google.appengine.v1.Versions.CreateVersion
  target: apps/PROJECT_ID/services/default/versions/release-0-6-3
name: apps/PROJECT_ID/operations/45d6fec1-9261-41d2-943a-648976b971ed

Any ideas how to get more info about the operation and what actions are performed?




  • At the moment of writing I haven't found the way to get more verbose error messages during Google App Engine deployment from CLI at Ubuntu rather than passing verbosity option gcloud app deploy --verbosity=debug or getting more info about the operation with gcloud beta app operations describe OPERATION_ID.

    But they found the cause of the problem: The reason for the Compute Engine VMs never becoming healthy is because your 'In-use IP addresses' quota [1] in the region of your App Engine Flexible application has reached its limit. More here - And promised to provide better error messages with the next update of the CLI