So I have a table with data that gets populated throughout the use of the application. When a user clicks on a row, the row is highlighted and that row's data is populated beneath the table. I just want to disable the option of the user to deselect a row (this is done by clicking on the row again).
The code:
<p-table #purchaseOrdersList
<ng-template pTemplate="header">
<th class="supplier-number-col">Supplier Number</th>
<th class="supplier-name-col">Supplier Name</th>
<th class="supplier-phone-col">Supplier Phone</th>
<ng-template pTemplate="body" let-purchaseOrder>
<tr [pSelectableRow]="selectedRow">
This can now be solved through metaKeySelection option. Setting it to true will allow row deselection only when the meta key is held.