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Using Morris.js with reactjs

How can I use reactjs to create a morris.js chart? I am using an MVC5 project with react.js library. It is my first react project, and I want to change a morris.js chart when some button clicked. I don't want to use other react library just morris js librayr inside react js script


  • Here's how you can make Morris.js work with React.

    1. Install Morris.js and its dependency - Raphael.js:
    npm install --save-dev morris.js
    npm install --save-dev raphael
    1. In your component:
    import Raphael from 'raphael';
    import 'morris.js/morris.css';
    import 'morris.js/morris.js';
    1. Morris looks for Raphael to be in global scope
    constructor() {
        window.Raphael = Raphael;

    Important notes

    1. If you get a compilation error for morris.css, please read this.

    2. If you write import Morris from 'morris.js/morris.js', it won't work.

    3. There's another way to make Raphael be in global scope.

    const webpack = require('webpack');
    module.exports = {
        plugins: [
            new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
                Raphael: 'raphael'

    If you prefer this variant, you don't need:

    import Raphael from 'raphael';
    window.Raphael = Raphael;