I have a function that accepts an arbitrary file handle and either loads all the data or allows the data to be loaded lazily if the object supports random access.
class DataLoader: def __init__(self, file): self.file = file self.headers = {} def load_data(self): # header is a hashable (e.g. namedtuple with name, size, offset) header = self.load_next_header() if self.file.random_access: # Return and load the data only as necessary if you can self.headers[header.name] = (header, None) self.file.seek(header.size + self.file.tell()) else: # Load the data up front if you can't self.headers[header.name] = (header, self.file.read(header.size))
How can I check if a file object supports random access?
You can use seekable
method to check if the file supports random access.
if the stream supports random access. IfFalse
will raiseOSError