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Angular 4 - Save from html template to the mock json DB

Angular 4 application , i have a input text boxes, where values have to be stored from template to the json data , that im using as mock db. I have written services and save function below, but not ablt to save it in the .json file. Idea or help to get it working.

<ng-container *ngFor="let data of displayReasonCodes$ | async;let i = index">
<tr class= "row-break">
  <textbox [readOnly]="isEditable" ngModel="{{data .ReasonCode}}"  name="textbox" ></textbox>
 <textbox  [readOnly]="isEditable" ngModel="{{data .Description}}" name="textbox1" ></textbox>


export class CodesService{ 
    constructor(private httpClient:HttpClient, private apiUrlService : ApiUrlService){}

        var url = this.apiUrlService.getPostfix("/Codes");


  let newreasoncodeDefinition: IReasonCodes = this.poolModel.get();

  subscribe(definitionResponse => {
    if(definitionResponse.responseCode ===1 ){
      console.log("The ReasonCode " + newreasoncodeDefinition.ReasonCode + "Created Successfully");



ReasonCode fromUIModel.ts

poolModel: ReasonCodeFormUIModel;
ngOnInit (){
      this.poolModel = new ReasonCodeFormUIModel();

public get() :IReasonCodes {
    let reasonCodes = new ReasonCodes();
    reasonCodes.Code= this.reasoncode;
    reasonCodes.Description = this.description;
return reasonCodes;


  • Do I understand correctly that you have a local .json file that you are reading your data from and that you want to update that data?

    As far as I know, that is not possible. You cannot update a local JSON file. If you want to mock database get/post/put, you could instead consider using the Angular inmemory Web API:

    This was set up specifically for this purpose ... to mock a back-end server without needing a backend server.

    Most of my sample applications use it.

    You can see it in action in the Angular documentation here: